The Gift of Counseling
Counseling is a powerful gift. It’s something we can do for ourselves to make our lives better, more joyful, more complete. I believe everyone can benefit from counseling.
Over the years, counseling has been lumped in with the medical model and its emphasis on fixing what’s broken. To me, counseling fits better within the wellness model. The wellness model focuses on individuals taking responsibility for their own wellbeing and creating full and balanced lives.
When we look at counseling through lens of the wellness model, counseling is about achieving balance, a full life, and becoming the person you want to be.
Certainly counseling can help when you are in crisis. It can heal old wounds and help you resolve issues that stand between you and the life you want.
I’ve found that counseling is a powerful medium for people in crisis or not. A counselor can provide unconditional acceptance, empathy, and objectivity to help you understand yourself, your goals and dreams and the obstacles between them.
Through the process, you grow, uncover your own brilliance, and become more accepting and open to the people in your life.
One of the most powerful aspects of counseling I have witnessed is the ripple effect it creates in people’s lives. The work you do in counseling often has a profound effect on your relationship to others and your role in the world.
Counseling, at its best, unleashes your potential and deepens your connection to others.
Learn more about finding the right counselor for you.
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